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Donate or Sponsor

Your support of this project is crucial. We will not be able to realize a professional level of existence without the kind and generous financial support from both businesses and individuals. If you would like to contribute to this effort and endorse this philosophical idea, please use the PayPal link provided below. All donations are gratefully received and proper thanks and citations will be provided on this website and in our concert programs. 


Donor and Sponsorship Levels

           Donor Levels

                Friend (up to $49.00)

                Section Member (up to $199.00)

                Principal Player (up to $499.00)

                Soloist (up to $999.00)

                Maestro (up to $1,999.00)

                Director’s Circle (up to $4,999.00)

                Goldman’s Gold Circle ($5,000.00+)

             Sponsorship Levels

                Season Sponsorship ($60,000.00)

                Single Concert Sponsorship ($10,000.00)

                Half Concert Sponsorship ($5,000.00)

                Quarter Concert Sponsorship ($2,500.00)

General Sponsorship ($50.00-$99.00)

                Bronze Sponsorship ($125.00+)

                Silver Sponsorship ($250.00+)

                Gold Sponsorship ($500.00+)

                Platinum Sponsorship ($1,000.00+)

                Principal Chair Sponsorship ($100.00)

Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Saxophone (Alto, Tenor, Baritone), Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, String Bass, Percussion, Timpani, Piano, Harp



Season Four Sponsors

The UPS Store Grandview
Tom Sundquist, Owner



Sallas Auto Repair
Nick Sallas

Sallas logo.png


Midwest Sheet Music
Jeff Girard


Convergent Dentistry
Dr. Christopher Rooney


Red Bridge Animal Clinic
Dr. Robert Raduzycki

RBAC logo.png


Advanced Eye Care in Raymore and Raytown, and
at Blue Springs Optical 

Advanced EyeCare.png


Keller Williams Realty
Joanna Rangel, Realtor

Keller Williams.jpg


Gold Sponsorship
John + Deborah Eplee

Half-Concert Sponsorship

Grant Writing and Foundation Requests to date

Season Four Donors

Friend (up to $49.00)

Martha Schonberger

Madeline Sniezex

Darwin Neal

Susan Lockhart

Nathan Brown

Jacob Tiehen

Martha Whelan

Andrew, Carolyn and Inji Huss

Lauren Adams

Jonathan Frazier

Birju Solanki

Greg Campbell

Brian Casey

Mary Elizabeth Bradley

Betty Berry

Sophia Spottswood

Brandon Stanbough

Jonathan Spohr

Carissa Kasper

Meghan Rattler

Patricia Blevins

Darrell Blevins

Tammy Mummert

Jeffrey Mummert

Marcus Rattler

Danielle Leivian

Jason Sullivan

Cecilia Raab

John J. Pease

Danielle Leivian


Section Member (up to $199.00)

Nicolas McWilliams

Amy Clark

Curtis Stroud

Josh Acosta

Frank Kurtz

Marcia K. Walters

Henry N. Rector

Kent + Marcia Symns

John Bennett

William and Laura Baker

Michael Boniello

Joseph Barbercheck

Gavin Lendt

Karen Casebolt

Paul Jolley

Heather Bass

Tim Schwab

Lisa Watkins

Lee Hartman

Jeff Harter

Alisa Carmichael

Diana C. Johnson


Principal Player (up to $499.00)

Soloist (up to $999.00)

John and Alisa Carmichael*

Mike and Vicki Fessler



Maestro (up to $1,999)

John and Mary Campbell

Director's Circle (up to $4.999)

Goldman’s Gold Circle ($5,000+)


Feist Charitable Foundation

58 total donors 


Friend (up to $49.00)

Daniel Robinson
Robert Maynard
The Schultz Family


Section Member (up to $199.00)

Nicolas McWilliams
Joseph Wise
Ellen Zeller


Principal Player (up to $499.00) Soloist (up to $999.00)

John and Alisa Carmichael*
Mike and Vicki Fessler


Maestro (up to $1,999.00 Director's Circle (up to $4,999.00

Dr. Richard Lundahl

Sponsors for 2023
Midwest Sheet Music, St. Louis, MO

Red Bridge Animal Clinic

Convergent Dentistry

The UPS Store

Sallas Auto Repair 


Friend (up to $49.00)
Matthew H. Schwartz

Section Member (up to $199.00)

Brooke Dansberger*

Thomas E. Drick
Frances Hall*


Principal Player (up to $499.00)
Dr. Rod Chesnutt*

Kathy Feist Vescovy

Sean Jones*

Soloist (up to $999.00)

Maestro (up to $1,999.00
Director's Circle (up to $4,999.00

Dr. Richard Lundahl

Goldman's Gold Circle ($5,000 +)

John and Alisa Carmichael*

Sponsors for 2022

Midwest Sheet Music, St. Louis, MO

Red Bridge Animal Clinic

Sallas Auto Repair

Convergent Dentistry

The UPS Store, Grandview

Grant Writing and Foundation Requests to date


Proposed budget for a single concert
Friend (up to $49.00)

Spencer Byrd
Amy Clark
Robert Cotney
Jennifer Jewell
William Linaman

John Sharp
Aleshia Shouse
Susan Simpson

Vic Stephens
Courtney Thompson

Section Member (up to $199.00)
Amy Baggett
Dr. Rod Chesnutt
David Cunningham
Brooke Dansberger
Donna Suzanne Hall
Paul and Norris Johnson
Sean Jones
Bert King
Travis Miller
Luisa Raigosa
Jessyca Rose
Sandra Sexton
Virginia Smith
Kathleen Thompson
Tyler Thurman
Private donor (New York)

Principal Player (up to $499.00)

John and Alisa Carmichael

Soloist (up to $999.00)

Frances Hall

Maestro (up to $1,999.00)

Director's Circle (up to $4,999.00

Goldman's Golden Circle ($5,000 +)

Sponsors for 2021

Midwest Sheet Music, St. Louis, MO

Supreme Cleaners and Laundry

Red Bridge Animal Clinic

Sallas Auto Repair
Martin City Brewing Company

DeMoulin Uniforms

Kreative Catering Solutions

Bravo Music 

Convergent Dentistry

Mark Custom Recording Service

Grants in process . . . which means the narrative has been written or that the grant has been submitted. Four names on the list have declined.

Conn Selmer Corporation

Yamaha Cares


The Kauffman Foundation

The Hall Family Foundation


D'Addario Foundation

National Association of Music Merchandisers

Sunderland Foundation

Francis Family Foundation

Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation

The Ford Foundation

Kellogg Foundation Grants

General Motors Foundation

Helzberg Foundation

Cerner Charitable Foundation

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